JS Bible

A jQuery Bible plugin for your website.

Multiple-requests-from-dozens-of-churches-over-the-past-few-years later, an easy-to-use Bible plugin has been developed—Now you can be like all the other cool church and ministry websites! Created by Jonathan Suh for you.

Getting started

This widget uses Logos Bible Software's Biblia.com Bible API service, which requires a unique API key for your website, to get the Bible text. You'll need to register for a free Logos account if you don't have one already. Because this plugin uses Biblia's API service, by using this plugin you are agreeing to Biblia API's Terms of Service.

  1. Sign in at api.biblia.com with your Logos account.
  2. Register a new application (in this case, your website).
  3. Keep record of your API key.


JS Bible is open source and available to fork on GitHub.

Download the ZIP


Usage is easy and straight forward.

<div class="jsbible"></div>
    api: "your-unique-api-key"

Customizable options are also available.

  api: "apikey",                   // Your unique API key from api.biblia.com
  version: "kjv",                  // Bible versions. Supports: KJV, ASV, AV
  red_letter: true,                // Red letter text
  persistent_chapter: false,       // Chapter number reset on book change
  scrolltop: true,                 // Scroll-to-top button
  scrolltop_text: "Back to Top",   // Text for scroll-to-top button
  scrolltop_speed: 250             // Speed of scroll-to-top animation in milliseconds

Free to use under the MIT License.
